Sunday, December 16, 2018

Time and Temperature Test Wednesday

Our class has been studying time and temperature over the past few weeks. On Wednesday morning we will be having our time and temperature test for this unit, so that we can begin a new unit when we come back from the holidays.

The concepts covered in the test are:

  1. relating units of measurement for time:
    1. 60 seconds in a minute
    2. 60 minutes in an hour
    3. 24 hours in a day
    4. 7 days in a week
    5. about 4 weeks in a month, or about 30 days
    6. 365 days in a year, or 12 months or 52 weeks
  2. telling time to the nearest 5 minutes
  3. reading temperature on thermometers
  4. understanding benchmarks for temperature - in class we say "30 is hot, 20 is nice, 10 is cool, 0 is ice"
In the homework on the sidebar I have attached a time and temperature review. It is only there to assist parents and students in studying for our test, which will be mostly made up of old EQAO questions on time and temperature. You do not have to complete the entire package. Work on the parts that seem most difficult for your child. In grade 3, we tell time to the nearest 5 minutes, so if any of the clocks look like they are pointing to something other than a 5 minute mark, it is actually trying to point to the nearest 5 minute mark. 

This has been a fairly easy unit for students, so I suspect everyone will do well. The review sheets are provided simply if you wish to review with your child. 

Thank you, and good luck!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

December Newsletter

Dear Parents, 
It is hard to believe that there are only 3 weeks of school left before the Christmas Holidays! It will be a busy 3 weeks, but with lots of fun activities. I will try to keep this short as I continue to inform you of all that is happening via the website and Twitter feed. 
We have pretty much wrapped up our Patterning Unit in Math and will be moving on to Measurement.  The expectations that we will focus on are:
– read time using analogue clocks, to the nearest five minutes, and using digital clocks
– estimate, read and record positive temperatures to the nearest degree Celsius
– identify benchmarks for freezing, cold, cool, warm, hot, and boiling temperatures as they relate to water and for cold, cool, warm, and hot temperatures as they relate to air 
Please ask your child regularly to tell you what time it is using an analogue clock. Ask your him/her questions such as: “How many minutes have passed since 2:00?” and “How many minutes will it take to get to 3:00?”. 
We are almost finished with Descriptive writing. We had a great time describing our classroom pumpkin and our Pop Rocks.  Our final project will be to create a Missing Dog Poster. The children will create an actual poster with large print and bright colours. They will describe their missing dog using the features that are important when writing a descriptive piece of writing. I will be sending some of their descriptive writing home soon. Please note that I do sometimes write comments on their writing pieces. This is for the students, but it is also for you so that you know how your child is doing and what steps they can take to improve their writing. The next style of writing that we will focus on is Persuasive Writing. 
We have almost completed our Structures unit in Science. We will be having a test before Christmas. I will soon be sending home their Science duo-tangs along with information on what they will need to study for this test. 
 We will be entering the season of Advent this week. We will have weekly Advent Liturgies in the gym with the rest of the school. We will be talking a lot about the birth of Christ in class and reading Bible stories along with other Christmas stories. 
Angel Tree
We have kicked off our annual Angel Tree Campaign.  If you would like your child to pick an angel from the tree in order to purchase a gift for a child in need, please give your child permission in his/her agenda or fill out the permission form on the email that was sent out with regard to the Angel Tree Campaign.
Important Dates for December
Friday, December 14th – Angel Tree gifts due back.
 Friday, December 21st – Primary Christmas Concert 9:30- 10:30AM/
                                          Junior Christmas Concert 10:50 – 11:50AM 

Monday, December 24th - Friday, January 4th: Christmas Holidays! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!