Monday, January 21, 2019

Data Management Test on Thursday

This Thursday, January 24th, we will be having our Data Management test. The children have been doing very well in this unit and it has been quite easy for them. In this unit we have covered:

  • doing surveys and creating tally charts
  • creating tables from the tally charts
  • drawing vertical and horizontal bar graphs from the tables
  • drawing pictographs, using a scale
  • interpreting the information in graphs
  • understanding how to find the mode of a set of data
One area that students are finding challenging is figuring out the scale being used in a pictograph, if they are given a number for a category. Here is an example of this type of question:

To solve this type of problem, students need to identify that there are 5 people who like pineapple, and then see that there are 2.5 pizzas drawn. They could count by 1's, but that would only give them 2.5 people. Thus, they should try to count by 2's which gives them 5, because there are 2 whole pizzas and one half, which would represent 1 person. Some students may be ready to use their understanding of multiplication or division to solve this, but for those who don't. I recommend starting at 1 as a scale, and then going up until you get an answer that fits. 

Here are some links to practice problems if you wish to review the concepts with your child. Some we have completed in class, while others are new.

Monday, January 7, 2019

New Homework Routine for a New Year

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Starting this week, we will be beginning a new homework to routine to focus on math problem solving and spelling skills, along with some writing and reading. We will be returning to using the homework on the slidedeck that we used in the beginning of the year with a few changes to help make things easier for students to complete their tasks.

First, a homework folder is going home today with blank paper in it for students to complete their homework on. Each week, please have your child complete the homework for the week indicated in the slidedeck. There will be some math problems each week to solve, a writing task, some spelling practice, and a link to a reading task. The readworks task can be completed online.

Finally, I have changed the spelling program to one that includes more opportunities for students to practice word pattern and phonics skills. Students will receive the list each week on Monday, and we will have our quiz on Friday. We will be practicing spelling in class as well as for homework.

If you have any questions about the new homework routine, please let me know, and I will be happy to assist in any way.

January Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! With the New Year upon us, I have planned some fun new experiences for the students.  As you know, in February, we will be snowshoeing in Gatineau Park for a field trip. We have a class set of snowshoes at St. Anne, so I am hoping to give the students an opportunity to practice before our adventure in February.

We will also be going to Swim to Survive starting February 19th, and Ms. Teevens will be returning to us for her practicum beginning February 19th until the week after the March Break.

Important Dates: January 25 - PD Day


 We are beginning our unit on Data Management.  These are the overall expectations for this unit:

  1. Demonstrate an ability to organize objects into categories, by sorting and classifying objects using two or more attributes simultaneously .
  2. Collect data by conducting a simple survey about themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject;
  3. Collect and organize data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including vertical and horizontal bar graphs), with appropriate titles and labels and with labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axes, as needed, using many-to-one correspondence (e.g., in a pictograph, one car sticker represents 3 cars; on a bar graph, one square represents 2 students) 
  4. Read data presented in charts, tables, and graphs, then describe the data using comparative language, and describe the shape of the data.
  5. Interpret and draw conclusions from data presented in charts, tables, and graphs;
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of mode, and identify the mode in a set of data.

In this unit, students will be practicing sorting data using a Venn diagram, conducting surveys with classmates, and reading and interpreting data on bar graphs and pictographs.


Writing- We are starting our unit on Persuasive writing. When students write paragraphs, I am looking for an opening sentence, at least three examples, a detail for each example, and a closing sentence.  I also ask students to focus on writing conventions (using capital letters, using a personal dictionary or word wall for spelling, making sure sentences make sense).  For our Persuasive writing unit, I will continue to focus on these important aspects of a good paragraph and will introduce students to “persuasive” adjectives. Our final assessment for this unit will be to create and present a poster about their favourite book.

Reading - Our focus for Reading this month will be on finding the Main Idea in a passage as well as Making Inferences in what we read.  Students will continue to practice with short EQAO reading passages. We are also continuing to read the novel Wonder as a class.

Pen Pals - We are soon going to be communicating with a class Grade 3 class at St. Gregory. Students will be sending and receiving letters from their friends.  This is a meaningful way for students to practice the skill of friendly letter writing.


We are now beginning our unit on Natural Forces. Students are learning about natural forces such as gravity, magnetism, erosion, and friction.  We will be performing some simple experiments to show how these forces affect our lives.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about anything in the classroom or in this newsletter, please let me know and I will be happy to discuss with you.