Monday, January 21, 2019

Data Management Test on Thursday

This Thursday, January 24th, we will be having our Data Management test. The children have been doing very well in this unit and it has been quite easy for them. In this unit we have covered:

  • doing surveys and creating tally charts
  • creating tables from the tally charts
  • drawing vertical and horizontal bar graphs from the tables
  • drawing pictographs, using a scale
  • interpreting the information in graphs
  • understanding how to find the mode of a set of data
One area that students are finding challenging is figuring out the scale being used in a pictograph, if they are given a number for a category. Here is an example of this type of question:

To solve this type of problem, students need to identify that there are 5 people who like pineapple, and then see that there are 2.5 pizzas drawn. They could count by 1's, but that would only give them 2.5 people. Thus, they should try to count by 2's which gives them 5, because there are 2 whole pizzas and one half, which would represent 1 person. Some students may be ready to use their understanding of multiplication or division to solve this, but for those who don't. I recommend starting at 1 as a scale, and then going up until you get an answer that fits. 

Here are some links to practice problems if you wish to review the concepts with your child. Some we have completed in class, while others are new.

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