Thursday, May 2, 2019

May Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I’m hoping that we will start to see the nice weather stay! Wishful thinking maybe? I hope not! Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it will be here soon and stay here.


The dates for EQAO will be posted on the St. Anne Calendar. We begin the morning of Tuesday, May 21st (Language) and continue on the following days: May 22nd (Language), May 23rd (Language), May 24th (Language), May 28th (Math) and May 30th (Math). If there are any changes to the dates, we will keep you notified. We will be writing in the mornings. The tests take up much of the morning and if the children need even more time, this will be given to them. We have worked hard all year to prepare for these tests. We appreciate your support by ensuring your child has a good sleep the night before and is in attendance on testing days, as it is challenging for the students to make up the test. Please ensure that your child has a big and nutritious breakfast before coming to school that day. The students will have recess and a snack before starting the test as well. Your child will be allowed to chew gum while they write. Studies have shown that chewing gum helps to maintain focus! It is actually true? Who knows, but the kids like the idea! Please send in gum on the days of EQAO testing if you are allowing your child to have it. Thanks!


We have begun our final unit - Measurement. The expectations are below:

  • estimate, measure and record the length, height and distance using standard units
  • draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in centimetres
  • compare and order objects on the basis of linear measurements in centimetres and/or metres
  • describe, through investigation using grid paper, the relationship between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface
  • compare and order a collection of objects, using standard units of mass and/or capacity
  • estimate, measure and record the perimeter of two-dimensional shapes, through investigation using standard units
  • estimate, measure and record area
  • choose benchmarks for a kilogram and a litre to help perform measurement tasks
  • estimate, measure and record the mass of objects using the standard unit of kilogram or parts of a kilogram
  • estimate, measure and record the capacity of containers using the standard unit of the litre or parts of a litre


We are now working on Procedural Writing. The features included in a piece of Procedural Writing are the following:

- Opening sentence - Tells the reader the purpose of the
- list of materials needed: cheese, nachos, plate, knife, microwave
-include sequence words: then, later, next,........finally
- steps in the proper order using #’s 1st, 2nd………….6th
- use verbs/actions words within each step: cut, attach, count, draw
- amounts or quantities of items using #’s : 1 piece of string, 5 min, 2
- include details (adjectives, adverbs) : colour, size, texture, flavour,
-Closing sentence - summarize the final product or result from
following the instructions


We are now investigating soil for our Soil Unit in Science. Soil is not just dirt! On the May Homework Slidedeck there is a research project to do, similar to their Famous Structures research project. They will be researching an underground animal. The students will be given a set of questions to research and will then present this to the class. Again, they will not be graded on the actual research, however, they will be graded on their oral presentation.


We had a great time preparing for, and celebrating Easter. We will continue to talk about the Miracles that Jesus performed and His influence on us as Christians. We will soon begin our Fully Alive lessons. A note will come home before we start explaining what we talk about in Grade 3.

Important Dates for May

Monday, May 6th: Easter/Education Week Mass at St. Patrick’s Church at 10:45. Please make sure to return permission forms.
Thursday, May 9th: Book Fair Day - Please send money with your child if you would like them to purchase books from the Book Fair.
Sunday, May 12th: Mother’s Day - HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
Friday, May 17th: PD Day (No School)
Monday, May 20th: Victoria Day (No School)

Thank you for all of your support this year!
Mr. Pouliot

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