I recently asked students to sign up or log into Prodigy (an online math practice game, which children LOVE to play!). I have noticed that some students are having a little difficulty getting started with this, so I thought I would provide some more detail about how to log in. Here are the steps, I will first explain how to log in if you already have an account and you remember your username and password from last year, then I will explain how to set up a new account.
Logging in with credentials from last year:
1) go to play.prodigygame.com (please log into your browser using your ocsbstudent account - like you log into our chromebooks at school. Student accounts follow the format of firstname.lastname@ocsbstudent.ca. They should remember their passwords from last year. If not, they will have to log in at school so I can reset their password)
2) If they are signed in with their ocsbstudent account, then they should just press the "sign in with Google" button, which should log them in. Otherwise, sign in using the username and password from last year.
3) The next screen should show a button that says "New Teacher? - update". Press this button and then input our class code - BA1564 (case sensitive)
4) That's it! Now your child is ready to play Prodigy anytime, and is connected to our class.
Setting up a new account:
1) sign into your browser like we do the chromebooks at school. Student accounts follow the format of firstname.lastname@ocsbstudent.ca. They should remember their passwords from last year. If not, they will have to log in at school so I can reset their password
2) go to play.prodigygame.com
3) Press the button that says "New Student"
4) On the next screen you will be prompted for the class code. Ours is BA1564 (case sensitive).
5) Follow the steps on the remaining screens to sign up. They will provide you with a username and password at some point. Please write this in your child's agenda on the back page called "Notes". This way if there is a problem, then I can help at school.
6) Once you have your username and password, you can go through the introduction screens. Otherwise, that is it!
Thank you for your assistance in getting this set up for your child. If you have any questions, please let me know, and I will do my best to assist.
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