Thursday, January 30, 2020

February Newsletter


We have wrapped up our Data Management unit and are beginning our Multiplication, Division and Fractions unit next.  The curriculum expectations that we will be looking at are:

– relate multiplication of one-digit numbers and division by one-digit divisors to real life situations, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., place objects in equal groups, use arrays, write repeated addition or subtraction sentences) (Sample problem: Give a real-life example of when you might need to know that 3 groups of 2 is 3 x 2.);

– multiply to 7 x 7 and divide to 49 ÷ 7, using a variety of mental strategies (e.g., doubles, doubles plus another set, skip counting).

– divide whole objects and sets of objects into equal parts, and identify the parts using fractional names (e.g., one half; three thirds; two fourths or two quarters), without using numbers in standard fractional notation

Please work on memorization of the times tables up to seven at home with your child while we work on developing a knowledge for the strategies at school. 


We are working on Persuasive Writing.  The children have been writing persuasive paragraphs. We will be discussing the features of Narrative Writing next (characters, problem, setting, sequence of events and a solution).

The children have been reading and answering questions on what they have read to display their understanding of the story.  When your child reads at home,  please ask them to retell the story with as much detail as possible, and ensuring that they include the features of Narrative writing listed above.  Ask them questions about the story to see if they are actually understanding what is taking place.  Often children can read lots of words, but this does not always mean that they are comprehending what they are reading. 

A big part of the grade on their report card for "reading" will be based on how they answer comprehension questions in writing.  Please note that if their reading grade is lower than expected, in most cases, is not because they cannot read or comprehend at grade level.  In Grade 3, they are learning how to display their comprehension in writing, using details from the text and their own thinking, and a large portion of the grade depends on how they are doing with regard to this.  I will be sending home some of their work for you to see soon.


We have finished our Unit on  Forces and are now exploring Strong and Stable Structures. 

Learning Skills

The learning skills focus for this term is Organizational and Independent Working skills.  Some of the expectations for each are listed below. 


-devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
-establishes priorities and manages to complete tasks and achieve goals
-identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and
resources to complete tasks 
-comes to school prepared for the day
-can quickly find the tools needed to begin his/her work promptly and due to these work habits is able to produce and complete all required assignments

Independent Work:

-uses time efficiently when completing an assignment by staying focused on the task at hand
-completes work on his/her own, using available
resources such as anchor charts, checklists and teacher feedback
-shows an understanding of the concepts studied and applies them in different contexts
-works well without supervision, demonstrating learning skills that help him/her to solve problems independently
-listens well and is not distracted by surroundings
-independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals
-uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
-follows instructions with minimal supervision

Valentine’s Day

We will celebrate Valentine’s Day here at school on Thursday, February 13th.  Again, I will bring in treats that are nut free. If you would like to send in treats that day, please ensure that they are store bought and have a nut free label.  If you do not want your child to have treats, please let me know in advance.  We will hand out Valentine’s Day cards. If your child would like to participate, please have them make a card for all of the children in the class.  Thanks!

Gatineau Park Snowshoeing Field Trip

Our class will be going to Gatineau Park for a field trip on February 21st. On this trip, we will be snowshoeing through the park and learning about how animals and plants survive in the winter. Snowshoes are provided for all students. We will also be bringing some snowshoes for parent volunteers to use as well. If you have your own snowshoes and would like to bring them, that is fine.

On the day of the trip, please ensure your child is dressed for the cold weather as we will be outside for about 2 hours. Coat, snowpants, good winter boots, hat and mitts are essential. Sending a little extra food in their lunch may also be a good idea as they will be walking quite a while!

If you are a parent who is able to volunteer, please ensure that you have completed your police record check and filed it at the office so that you can attend. Thank you in advance for your assistance! We need many hands to help with snowshoes!

Important Dates for February

Thursday, February 13th: Report Cards go home
Friday, February 14th: Valentine's Day - PD day - No School
Monday, February 17th: Family Day - No School
Friday, February 21st: Gatineau Park
Wednesday, February 26th: Ash Wednesday - Beginning of the Lenten Season


With the cold weather that we have been having, I ask that the children wear their snow pants at all recesses and after school to go home.  If you decide that your child does not need to wear them, please send me a note.  Thanks!

Thank you for your support this year so far! Please remember to check the classroom website or Twitter feed daily for reminders and a peek into our class.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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